Homemade Sourdough Donuts

I will be the first to say that we should enjoy desserts in life. While we do need to do so in moderation, there are ways we can make those desserts a little easier on our body. Easier to digest, and better choice ingredients. Sourdough is one of those and adds a great touch to this delicious donut recipe.

Homemade Sourdough Donuts

  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 5 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup butter or coconut oil
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 cups active sourdough starter

Scald milk (heat until just before it simmers), add butter, and stir until butter is melted. Set aside.
Mix sugar, 2 cups flour, cinnamon, and salt. Add active, bubbly starter to dry ingredients, and add milk/butter mixture. Stir lightly and add egg. Mix well.
Add remaining flour, a little at a time, until a light dough is formed.
Cover bowl with a damp towel and sit aside to rise overnight, or a minimum of 8 hours.
Roll dough to about 1/2 inch thick and cut as desired. Place on a lined baking sheet and cover again with a damp towel. Let dough rise for 1 hour.
Sprinkle a little water on the pan, between donuts. Bake at 338 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
While the donuts are still hot, brush with melted butter or coconut oil and dip in sugar.
Today, we tried plain sugar, cinnamon sugar, and apple cider sugar (sugar mixed with an envelope of apple cider drink mix powder).
You could glaze them or ice them, if desired as well.

What do you think? Would you try this recipe?